Online Percussion Lessons vs. Traditional Percussion Lessons

Online Percussion Lessons vs. Traditional Lessons

Thinking about dipping your toes in in some of our online conga lessons and timbale lessons? When you’re done reading this article, hopefully you’ll have a more complete picture of whether or not online percussion lessons could be right for you.

There are many things to consider when choosing between taking online percussion lessons, and studying in-person with a private teacher. At the time I’m writing this, we are currently in the midst of a drastic shift in the way we are able to communicate with others as well as access private instruction. Social distancing has made it especially tricky for folks to continue in-person private music instruction. So, this seems like as a good time as any to consider checking out some alternative learning methods specifically when it comes to Afro-Latin and more specifically Afro-Cuban percussion.

Let’s take a look at some of the key differences between a self-study online percussion lesson platform like Conga Chops, and traditional in-person instruction with a private teacher:

In-Person Private Instruction
This will always be a huge factor in how and what you can study when it comes to traditional private instruction. If you’re fortunate to live in or near a cultural and musical hub for Afro-Cuban percussion like Havana, Cuba, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Miami, New York City or San Francisco, you may have a host of options to choose from as far as schools and private instructors. For the most part, most large metropolitan cities in the Western Hemisphere will have a decent selection of schools and teachers, although they may not quite be as readily available as some of the aforementioned cities. However, finding the time schedule your lessons especially with an experienced and in-demand teacher can be tricky.

Online Self-Study
Regardless of where you call home, studying online allows you to access a wealth of information that may otherwise be very difficult for you to obtain. It also cuts down on any travel and commuting, as you can study from the comfort of your own home with your own instruments. Not to mention that you can access our online platform from anywhere and at any time.

Ideally we could live in a place where our next-door neighbors was a master percussionist who’s never on the road! Or at the very least, if they don’t live quite next door, we can travel frequently to one of the aforementioned hubs to obtain consistent instruction. Online platforms provide an incredible alternative to for you to have access to world-class instructors no matter where you currently live without having to worry about traveling or scheduling.

Advantage: Online Self-Study

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In-Person Private Instruction

Studying online via a self-study platform will never be able to fully replace the tutelage and intimacy of studying with a master percussionist who is fully committed to your success and happiness. Having in-person instruction can give you a level of immediate social interaction that you can’t quite achieve by learning online via a self-study curriculum. Also depending on your relationship with the teacher, they may able to simply offer a more personalized learning experience that helps keep you engaged and motivated throughout your journey.

Online Self-Study
At Conga Chops, along with online timbale and conga lessons, we also do our best to provide additional support and instruction via our Community Forum where you can ask any questions you might have, read up on a ton of existing discussions, interact with other community members who may be in a similar situation to get their take on things, and post videos for review and feedback from our instructors. We also have an extensive Practice Loop Library, and a section with hand-picked Playlists to accompany each pertinent lesson on the site, to really give you some context and accompanying material for everything you’re learning.

Although an online platform will never be to fully able to replace studying in-person with a master educator, we do our best to provide an all encompassing learning experience that can certainly compliment your in-person instruction. This of course includes a variety of features and functions that you wouldn’t necessarily get from a private teacher.

Advantage: Private Instruction

In-Person Private Instruction

This is something that will vary drastically from student to student, and is something you certainly want to consider when reviewing your options. Some folks will thrive in a situation where some one is telling them exactly what do and can adjust their playing style in a hands-on environment. You’ll also have to adhere to the particular teachers curriculum, and teaching style which may or may not be exactly what you’re looking for

Online Self-Study
The clear benefit of a guided online percussion program is of course being able to study at your own pace, and choose exactly what you want to to work. At Conga Chops we do our best to get as close to private instruction as possible in this regard. Providing detailed guidance in every lesson, along with supplemental material, and step-by-step practice routines to help you reach your own person goals. We also make sure that our material is broken into Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels so you can hop in to whatever you feel is challenging for you.

Your personal learning style and how you prefer to work through a certain curriculum will ultimately be up to you. Finding in a in person instructor that understands your particular learning style can help hold you accountable, and make sure you are focused on what they’re teaching you. Studying online however, gives you the freedom of choosing of what and when to study, as well the ability stay focused on, and repeat a particular exercise or concept that you find challenging.

Advantage: Tie

In-Person Private Instruction

Generally speaking, this is quite possibly the most important factor for the majority of students seeking instruction. If we look at the overall costs of enrolling in a school or receiving weekly private instruction, the amount money spent over the course of a single year can be absolutely staggering. Even one lesson per week with a reputable teacher can end up running you a couple hundred bucks a month.

Online Self-Study
Most online learning platforms like Conga Chops, can be an incredibly cost efficient solution due to the nature of the of the learning medium. You generally have access to a ton of information at your fingertips, at a low monthly or yearly cost.

In-person instruction is invaluable in the sense that the 1-on-1 interaction can do wonders for your playing, but it can also burn a whole in your pocket if you’re having trouble with certain concepts, techniques, or exercises that require constant repetition from a teaching standpoint. Online platforms allow you to take all the time you need to improve your strengths and weaknesses, re-watch lessons, and slow down or speed anything up, and at a fraction of the cost.

Advantage: Online Self-Study

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You can see that based on a variety factors both Private Instruction and studying Online via self-study platforms offer distinct advantages and disadvantages. The beauty of this of course, is that in tandem you can really cultivate an amazing learning experience for yourself by using an online platform to compliment your private lessons. At times when private instruction isn’t readily available, you can rely on your online studies to keep you engaged and motivated, while you strive towards reaching your own personal goals.

If you’re still on the fence about whether or not taking online percussion lessons is something that you can enjoy and actually make consistent progress with, I strongly encourage you to click here to grab your 7-Day Free Trial and explore everything we have to offer on the site. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the expansiveness of the curriculum, as well as the diverse array of features and supplemental studying materials that you’ll find. While you’re in there, make sure you swing by the Community Forum to say hello and ask some of our longtime members what their personal experience has been like.

See you in the shed!

Do you prefer one over the other? Or would you agree that a blend of and online self-study platform and in-person lessons could provide the ultimate learning experience? Share your thoughts below.